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Membership/CAAMA Exam Combination Application

Healthcare administrators can earn the prestigious CAAMA designation as soon as they join AAMA as a full member and meet these additional key requirements.

Membership/CAAMA Exam Special Combo Offer

  • Save $130!  Join AAMA and Take the CAAMA Exam for Only $325

  • Schedule your CAAMA Exam date by July 1, 2008 and take the exam by August 15, 2008.

  • Offer available to new AAMA members only.  Reduced fee covers membership through December 31, 2008.

  • Payment of the exam fee entitles the examinee to three opportunities to pass the exam without additional fees.

  • Review the key requirements for the CAAMA Credential.

Contact the Education Coordinator at [email protected] or 847/759-8601 for additional information.

Entry Instructions: Use tab key or point mouse to advance to next question.


I am applying for membership in the American Academy of Medical Administrators. I am also applying for membership in the following specialty groups (no extra charge). Please check all that apply:

     (formerly "Federal Sector")

American College of Small or Rural Healthcare Administrators

I do not wish to join a specialty group at this time

My primary specialty group will be: Please select one.

     (formerly "Federal Sector"

Payment must accompany application
 (See payment section below)

Full Name:*
Job Title:
Primary Address:     
City:*   State:*    
Active Military: Branch   

Alternate Address:      

City:    State:    
Zip:    Country:

General Information

Date of Birth:*     Gender:      

Check either of the following that are applicable:

The following AAMA member-sponsor encouraged me to join: (optional)

Educational Background

College/Location (1): 
Major (1):
Degree Received: Year:
College/Location (2): 
Major (2):
Degree Received: Year:
Years experience in healthcare management  
Student Examinees (proof of status required)
Graduate Program:
You may take the exam at your location provided the person you choose as your proctor holds the CAAMA designation or is part of a Human Resource or Education/Training Department.

Please contact AAMA's Education Coordinator if you should have any questions.

Exam Date & Location: 
Proctor Name,
If available: 

Payment Must Accompany Application for Processing

Membership/CAAMA Exam
         Special Combo Offer:    $455.00  $325.00
Credit Card:    
Credit Card #:*  
Expiration Date:* 


AAMA Dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deductible as a business expense. 0% of your AAMA dues are not deductible because of lobbying activities on behalf of our members. $10.00 of your annual AAMA membership dues includes a subscription to the AAMA EXECUTIVE. This subscription is a benefit of membership and is not deductible from the annual AAMA membership dues.



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